Archive | June, 2013

Grilled Chicken Paprika Flavour Crisps

28 Jun

2012-07-02 22.04.30

When I see something new, I have to try it. This time it were grilled chicken paprika flavoured crisps. It was a nice variation on the in the Netherlands already familiar paprika flavour, but I would not desperately want it to be introduced back here. Still, the sweetness of the paprika in combination with a little chicken is good! But having some ayam panggang paprika without the crisps would probably taste a whole lot better.

Israelian Egg Plate

21 Jun


A couple of days ago I was cooking for myself and my roommates and didn’t want to stick to the usual pasta stuff. So after looking for some inspiration on the internet I found the following recipe: Israelian egg plate. It is very easy to make, just put some pepper, sliced tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, onion and paprika in a pan. After a while break the eggs over these vegetables and serve it with couscous. As a little addition I also put some zucchini in it. Originally this is a vegetarian recipe, but since I can’t live without my meat, I added some bacon to it. The result was great and very tasteful, a real recommendation for anybody looking for a good, yet simple meal.




‘Rijsttafel’ in Jakarta

15 Jun

'rijsttafel' Jakarta

One of the first nights in Jakarta we went out to have dinner. We were advised to have dinner at a small road-side restaurant just across the place were we slept. When we came there, we looked at the extensive menu and just picked some things we liked. Since we didn’t knew how large the portions were going to be (we didn’t bother to ask), we ended up with a table full of food: our own ‘rijsttafel‘. We had plain rice, bami goreng, kangkung (water spinach) fried with meat and terasi (dried shrimp paste), vegetable soup and some chicken. Although we had so much, we ate it all. It was delicious!

Italian roll with Greek chicken salad

1 Jun

2013-05-01 15.55.10

Does this roll sound familiar? It could, because my fellow blogger already blogged about it quite some time ago (you can read that post here). It is one of the many bread rolls that you can choose in Delft at Leo’s. But I had never tasted it before and a few weeks ago I had the culinary pleasure to taste it for myself. Is it really worth a double post? Yes it is! An Italian bread roll, sliced open, topped with a large amount of warm (warm? Yes warm!), garlicky Greek chicken salad: it is very tasteful.